Friday, December 28, 2012

thought when friends getting married.

I know when the day comes, 
I'm the first one shed tears seeing my father let me go to my other half. 
I always wonder, 
is my other half will call me when I'm not coming back before Maghrib?
is he will buy me all the foods that I want to eat? 
is he will be over protective? is he will call me princess? 
is he will accept all my bad behaviors  is he will let me be his accountant? 
Then I will look at my mother. 
Dear mom, 
your daughter will be a wife. 
can I wake up 6 at the morning? 
can I iron my other half clothes for years? 
can I cook a nice foods for him? 
can I be Solehah wife? 
can I control my bad temper? 
can I control my jealousy? .

p/s: 3.00am on 28 December 2012

Monday, August 27, 2012

RAMADHAN 1433H (21 JULAI-18 OGOS 2012)


in this beautiful month
I achieved some of my target
its between me and Allah 'azza wa jalla.
if I meet the next Ramadhan
I will be a better caliph of Allah.
this Ramadhan is so beautiful
this is first time I ever feel that Ramadhan leave me early.


- :), 2nd and 3rd.

some people are changing around me
what I see
being better self.
once they love Allah, human being great
I'm super dumbfounded

at 12.00am on 27.8.2012
I'm trying to be better.
may Allah give me what I need.
If I want to help others,
I'm must be better first.

trying to control emotion
especially madness.

I really want to be a daughter that my parents can lean on me in the world and hereafter.

Ya Allah, KAU jadikan aku yang terbaik sebelum KAU kurniakan aku jodoh yang soleh dan mencintaku kerana cintanya padaMU. :)

I believe in HIM
HE heard my dua.
HE heard me when I cry
HE heard me when I'm saying it with my heart
Allah, I will wait when the time is come. 
I'm trying to protect my heart for my world and hereafter 'other half'.

p/s: I will update when the time is come. :) 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


"orang laki ni kalau dia bersungguh nak kat kita, dia buat mak ayah kita jatuh cinta ngan peribadi dia dulu. baru dia buat kita jatuh cinta. :)"

p/s: dear future husband, make my parents fall for you then we can marry. HAHAHA


"serius rindu koloh teknik, budok2 kelas, budok2 ostel. makan same, pakat tunggu kawan masa balik sebab nok makan same. g round koloh teknik. kene maroh d ustzah asmara sebab x ingat suroh hafazan sapa kene skoloh cina. wak bising. makan mee sup moknor, bilis lebih. jadi pengawas biar azizatun xknal pah sudoh pon. g bilik guru sebab dalam kelas panah ketik. koir sambil nganga mulut luah. kaca org mase prep. ponteng riadah. turun lambat pagi2 mogenye bos ostel sain2 lake. dengor cikgu zahar beleber sep ni xwak latihan LK. dengor cikgu madi kate "mung jage molek!". hok paling x lupa dapat kenal sain2 kawan2 awok2 yang OHHHSEMMM!"

p/s:tobat ar, koloh teknik epot ohhsem! sekali, 2 kali, 3 kali, berkali-kali. :) rindu dia actually. long time no see. 


"I can't be as strong as you, mother. I cry when I lost something that was temporary mine. :)"

p/s: Imissmymotheralot! :(


"hoping my heart one day will solid to like the one person only"

p/s: what is love actually? you and me. who are 'you'? Allah know better. :)


"he resemble my father"

p/s:onemaytwothousandtwelve :)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

.w.o.r.d.l.e.s.s. .e.v.e.r.y.d.a.y.

21 Februari 2012

that day was an awesome day,
my friends and I celebrate Linda's birthday,
while eating, gossiping, chatting,
Linda ask us to look at the sky,
wonder what we got to see?
a meteor..

not a real pic, 

i'm a girl who not believe those thing will appear infront of our eyes,
but it was real,
I always thought that meteor only appear in drama,
it was ridiculous if we can see with our own eyes,
but I saw it with my own eyes when i was 20,
maybe people not believe it,
me too,
I'm not believe that meteor appear that night.
syukur Alhamdulillah, Allah give me and my friends a chance to see His creation.

p/s: a meteor is not just a fairytale in drama, but it really exist. 
(linda, teh, asma', nik, mis, aida, ellie and me). may Allah bless linda's life, bless her with a nur. :)

Saturday, January 7, 2012

.f.o.r. .m.y. .b.e.d.m.a.t.e.

dear ....
sorry for not answering your question yesterday
my opinion is

boy tu x putus berusaha sebab dia laki
ego tinggi
bila dia set kepala dia, dia nak gegurl tu
dia akan dapatkan
ni bukan berasaskan drama2 melayu, cerita korea
tapi hakikat
mungkin u xpernah jumpa
dan sebab lain mungkin si gegurl tu layan jugak dia
kita mana tau dalam kain orang
luar dia cover
tapi padahal dia bagi harapan kat boy tu
sebab gegurl tu berahsia kan
dan walau dia tak innocent sangat tapi nampak innocent

so u xyah nak fikir bila u akan rasa macam boy tu rasa
x pernah nak putus asa
sebab jodoh kita x semestinya ngan org yang dekat dgn u je
jodoh u mungkin ngan org u kenal 1 hari
then get married
life is unpredictable like man heart

sometime boy bukan nak sangat kat gegurl
tapi dia just nak try je
kalau dapat rezeki
xdapat try yg lain
i nak nasihat u
"who ever come in ur life
then telling you that you are the person he love most, he may lie"
u boleh tgok apa yg kawan kita lalui
boy tu bila nampak ade peluang cakap
"aku sayang kau dari dulu"
padahal sekarang duk couple ngan orang lain
kita tak boleh salah kan boy tu
maybe pemikiran dia tak matang
dan tak tahu apa itu 'love'

sorry to say
even i don't know what love is
sometime i cannot differentiate(calculus) love and like
that why i am like this nowadays
i just wanna ask you
have you ever having a friends(boy) that sincerely friends with you without trying to seduce you?

nak cari boy yang ikhlas kawan ngan kita tanpa try kita punya feeling susah u
apa apapun i ade abang(for sure boy la) yang kawin ngan dia punya first love
nak habaq ja ni
tapi dengan dunia hari ini nak cari lelaki yang first hand memang susah
kalau ade rezeki dapat yang last hands
tu pun kalau ade rezeki
dan abang i sorang lagi cakap
xpe la dia free hair
asal hati dia baik
nanti aku ubah dia
bukan semua bertudung baik, tapi yang baik sudah semestinya bertudung
apa akan jadi masa depan kita tak tahu
tapi kita boleh ubah kan..

apa-apa pun
u doa la mintak ngan Allah dalam setiap sujud terakhir
semoga Allah kurniakan u suami yang soleh
boleh bimbing u ke jalan yang diredhaiNya
kadang2 mesti org ckap
buat apa nak doa pasal jodoh cepat
u dah nak kawin ke?
xsabar sangat ke?
tu adalah konsep yang salah
takkan esok nak kawin hari ni baru nak solat
mohon dapat suami soleh
Allah akan dengar bila kita hari2 x putus mintak ngan dia
InsyaAllah u akan dapat suami soleh

p/s:sorry for my wrongdoings, no one can compare you..InsyaAllah one day there is a man who sincerely love you telling the words that i write just now..:) xoxo HAHAHA