Monday, August 27, 2012

RAMADHAN 1433H (21 JULAI-18 OGOS 2012)


in this beautiful month
I achieved some of my target
its between me and Allah 'azza wa jalla.
if I meet the next Ramadhan
I will be a better caliph of Allah.
this Ramadhan is so beautiful
this is first time I ever feel that Ramadhan leave me early.


- :), 2nd and 3rd.

some people are changing around me
what I see
being better self.
once they love Allah, human being great
I'm super dumbfounded

at 12.00am on 27.8.2012
I'm trying to be better.
may Allah give me what I need.
If I want to help others,
I'm must be better first.

trying to control emotion
especially madness.

I really want to be a daughter that my parents can lean on me in the world and hereafter.

Ya Allah, KAU jadikan aku yang terbaik sebelum KAU kurniakan aku jodoh yang soleh dan mencintaku kerana cintanya padaMU. :)

I believe in HIM
HE heard my dua.
HE heard me when I cry
HE heard me when I'm saying it with my heart
Allah, I will wait when the time is come. 
I'm trying to protect my heart for my world and hereafter 'other half'.

p/s: I will update when the time is come. :)