Wednesday, February 22, 2012

.w.o.r.d.l.e.s.s. .e.v.e.r.y.d.a.y.

21 Februari 2012

that day was an awesome day,
my friends and I celebrate Linda's birthday,
while eating, gossiping, chatting,
Linda ask us to look at the sky,
wonder what we got to see?
a meteor..

not a real pic, 

i'm a girl who not believe those thing will appear infront of our eyes,
but it was real,
I always thought that meteor only appear in drama,
it was ridiculous if we can see with our own eyes,
but I saw it with my own eyes when i was 20,
maybe people not believe it,
me too,
I'm not believe that meteor appear that night.
syukur Alhamdulillah, Allah give me and my friends a chance to see His creation.

p/s: a meteor is not just a fairytale in drama, but it really exist. 
(linda, teh, asma', nik, mis, aida, ellie and me). may Allah bless linda's life, bless her with a nur. :)